E-Commerce Website for Telcos

Leverage our 15+ years of telecom e-commerce expertise to enhance your digital customer experience and commercial performance.


Scalable e-commerce website built specifically for telcos

Our website solution was built for the telecom market from day one. Sell and service all connectivity to consumers and businesses and monetize your customers. Configure highly personalized customer journeys, win new customers with our marketing tools, reduce churn, grow ARPU and boost NPS. Sell more and save millions with Gomibo’s omnichannel platform, all in your own branding. 

Improve Your ARPU

Reduce churn, increase sales, and save millions by using our extensive telecom-specific e-commerce features.

Boost Your NPS

Give your customers a 9.4 out of 10 customer journey by leveraging our experience in telecom ecommerce.

Achieve 95% Online Sales

Provide the e-commerce experience your customers expect by leveraging A/B testing, comparison tools, and more.


Explore our extensive range of commerce features

A wide range of e-commerce specific features are integrated into the Gomibo.Platforms Core which powers our web, app, and store channels. Sell and manage all connectivity (fixed & mobile) to consumers and businesses and monetize your customers. Attract new customers with our marketing tools, reduce churn, grow ARPU, and boost NPS, all while using your own branding with our out-of-the-box front-end or in a headless setup.

A/B Testing

Constantly aim at improving NPS, conversion rate and ARPU, while reducing churn and costs with our A/B testing tools.

Commercial Product Catalog

Receives the products from the technical product catalog and enriches this data such that it can be optimally presented to a customer in an omnichannel environment

Comparison Tools

Let your customers filter through millions of product/service combinations without hassle using our extensive comparison tools.

Content Management System

Easily update and optimize your content, delivering a seamless user experience through our CMS tool.

Fraud Prevention

reduce bad debt with our built-in fraud prevention solution.

Flow Manager

Keep the communication with your customer uniform by creating out-of-the-box customer journeys via our communication templates tool.

Lead Conversion

Boost your revenue, cut software costs by tens of millions, and increase customer experience.

Marketing & Promotions Manager

Optimize your marketing with automation tools, increase NPS and ARPU simultaneously, and have access to many marketing tools yourself.

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Finding an e-commerce platform is hard

Most e-commerce platforms that telcos use for their websites are not built to sell connectivity but are completely focused on physical products/retail. Customizing these platforms for a telecom customer journey is nearly impossible. This is why digitization of your customer experience is so hard as a telco. The Gomibo platform is the only e-commerce omnichannel platform built for the telecom market for all channels from day one.

Offer excellent customer journeys

The software offers a high degree of personalization features, which can target 
customers based on their preferences and needs. The customers appreciate this and rate us with a 9.4 out of 10. These excellent customer journeys can be created out-of-the-box by yourself.

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Self-service first approach

Our vision on service is that customers should be allowed to do as much themselves as possible. We have shown that this approach has resulted in significantly fewer customer queries. We have also turned the return/repair flow into a strength instead of a cost using this strategy, eventually leading to more profit and happier customers.

Established successful platform

The Gomibo omnichannel has been battle-tested against millions of customers from 30 different countries, speaking 13 different languages. In these situations, a consistently high conversion rate has been shown, while churn was reduced significantly.

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Trusted by customers in 30 countries, Gomibo Platforms powers over 1.2 million sales annually, with 95% occurring online.


Average (end-)customer review score of 9.4 out of 10 (50.000+ reviews), making your employees happy with one back-end for all your channels at the same time.


Enjoy 15+ years of experience in telecom omnichannel sales and service, with 19 active telco integrations at this moment.

Receive our website whitepaper

We are happy to send you a whitepaper about our e-commerce website. It contains a comprehensive overview of the features that are incorporated in this channel and how it acts in an omnichannel environment. To get an even more extensive impression about what we can do for you, a demo is usually required.

1-minute solution overview

Watch our product explanation video to see how it enhances your customer experience and commercial performance by integrating your sales channels in an omnichannel way.

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