Core Telco Commerce Components

Our platform includes all of the core commerce functionalities that a digital telco needs to run its channels.


Discover all core features of our commerce solution

This visual provides you with a total overview of the wide range of e-commerce specific features that are integrated into the Gomibo.Platforms Core which powers our web, app, and store channels. Our solution fits on top of your existing IT stack, leaving those systems in place, minimizing disruption.


The key commerce capabilities a digital telco needs

A digital telco needs extensive and telco-specific commerce features to enhance online sales and service due to the complex nature of telco product structures. Below some of the key features that are needed for this are outlined to give you a good overview of the capaiblities we provide.

A/B Testing

Constantly aim at improving NPS, conversion rate and ARPU, while reducing churn and costs with our A/B testing tools.

Commercial Product Catalog

Receives the products from the technical product catalog and enriches this data such that it can be optimally presented to a customer in an omnichannel environment.

Comparison Tools

Let your customers filter through millions of product/service combinations without hassle using our extensive comparison tools.

Content Management System

Easily update and optimize your content, delivering a seamless user experience through our CMS tool.

AI Capabilities

Maximize your operational efficiency by using our AI capabilities to improve sales and service workflows

Flow Manager

Keep the communication with your customer uniform by creating out-of-the-box customer journeys via our communication templates tool.

Lead Conversion

Boost your revenue, cut software costs by tens of millions, and increase customer experience.

Marketing & Promotions Manager

Optimize your marketing with automation tools, increase NPS and ARPU simultaneously, and have access to many marketing tools yourself.


Trusted by customers in 30 countries, Gomibo Platforms powers over 1.2 million sales annually, with 95% occurring online.


Average (end-)customer review score of 9.4 out of 10 (50.000+ reviews), making your employees happy with one back-end for all your channels at the same time.


Enjoy 16 years of experience in telecom omnichannel sales and service, with 19 active telco integrations at this moment.

1-minute solution overview

Watch our product explanation video to see how you can enhance your customer experience and commercial performance by powering all your telco sales and service channels by Gomibo’s core commerce platform.

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